Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My 1st NYC Press Conference!

Today my professors assigned us a Daybook story. Daybook is a schedule of events listed on the AP in your respective city. My classmates and I were worried all week about this assignment because we had no idea where our professors were going to send us...for all we knew, it could've been a murder scene or some really droll initiative that we'd have to make "colorful". Well, it wasn't that bad. The New York Civil Liberities Union launched a campaign to educate people on voter rights, specifically the rights of ex-felons, who often times are discouraged from voting, even after they've served their time. We split into teams of 4 and hopped on a 1 train downtown to cover our first NYC press conference! Although we were to work as a team, each person had to report, write, produce and edit their own radio piece, just in time for DEADLINE.

Right away, I knew I wanted to focus on a person of color. A disproportionate amount of New York's disenfranchised voters are African-American and Latino. If I could just find someone to talk to, I'd be home free. Bam! I found my subject, got the story, made my DEADLINE and got some constructive feedback. I don't want to tell you too much else because you can listen to my first effort, right above. Keep in mind that this is a first cut and my editing skills on Pro Tools are not so great yet. Anyhow, let me know what you think!

P.S. The best part of the day was watching my classmate, Agnes M.F. Kamara-Umunna, (what a name!) scarf down her spaghetti and meatballs on the subway because we didn't have time to eat. She didn't miss a beat...or her DEADLINE. Ah, the life of a Journalist...welcome to the club!

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