Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm Baaaaccckkk!!! Well, Kind Of...

I know, I know, I KNOW! Who does that? Starts a blog that's supposed to detail her journey back to grad school and then can't even post for months? I apologize and I'm sorry. My semester was tough...19 credit hours that included a Documentary seminar, a Digital Newsroom management course, a Feature Writing elective and of course, Columbia News Tonight, the workshop that kept me trekking all over NYC on the hunt for the next scoop.

Anyhow, I graduated last month(hurrah!)but have since been researching my Master's Thesis, a 1/2 hour documentary about Harlem, Arts and Culture. I know it's vague but I can't speak as freely as I'd like to about it. So I'm shooting, reporting, writing and editing in order to get this done by September. Once I get all my interviews in the can, I'll post sneak peeks!

After my film is wrapped, who knows?

Sky's the limit!


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